Wednesday, February 11, 2009

okay...i'm really upset now....i mean REALLY...
i just felt that i'm being treated like a hischool girl...gee,, please,,i'm 20 now (going to 21)...STOP treated me like a dumby-child....well, your little daughter is growing up now...
i'm in my legal age to decided what i want to do,, i'm not saying that i dont need your help or your advice....i know you still the best P ever....
but please open up your mind....i won't disapoint you anyway....i'll never use drugs,,being a freaky drunker,, or MBA....well. i've gave you a proof for what i'm saying...i've been a really nice girl...i had a good score for my GPA,,i went clubbing once a year (LOL),,,and so much more....
so please give me lil freedom to behave just accord with my age...
OMG....i dont know why i wrote this it'll bring a marked difference anyway..

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